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Superstars only do not produce top performances!
Football is a team sport in nature!

Teams making more “successful” passes score more goals.
For the 90 minutes, you make thousands of critical decisions; but you commit hundreds of decision mistakes.

The game changer AI can deal with

the technology behind is social AI, multi-player competitive but cooperative problem solving.

SAIVA, in a narrow sense, also means Soccer AI Virtual Assistant.

We, Augmented Brain Labs, augment your brain with AI.
For the 90 minutes, you make thousands of critical decisions; but, at the same time, you also make hundreds of decision mistakes.

The coach is critical to ensure the players work together, which we call the technology behind, wettbewerbsfähigen im Mehrspielermodus, aber kooperativen Problemlösen.


    • Win, Draw, Lose source :

    Key Performance Indicators Predictive of Success in Soccer: A Comprehensive Analysis of the Greek Soccer League
